World Peace & Harmony

Remembering 9/11

World Peace & Harmony

– Shyamli Suneesh
Peace is glory, peace is dignity,
peace is love and peace is amity.


Birds fly freely high up in the blue sky,
Flowers bloom and cherish when spring arrives.
Dews settle on leaves with deliberate happiness,
As bees buzz excited around their hives.
Why aren’t we as happy as they are?
So free, so elated
and no complaints at all.
Take the morning paper in your hand 
and you’d find destruction all over land,
going around in evil bands 
making peace and harmony banned.
War, conflict and destruction everywhere
arresting our accord even while asleep 
Oh! God now is so very rare
And is peace today that hard to keep?
People are killed 
every now and then.
Oh! Isn’t there anyone who’s skilled,
to place the eminent gem
of tranquility and unity.
I woke up today morning,
to enjoy Mother Breeze.
She says if we’d stop roaring
and take everything with ease,
we’d surely succeed in gaining world peace
As trees and flowers sway
and the wind runs over my face
It brings in a new ray of hope
that world peace can still return
“May the World Live in Peace and Harmony”


6 thoughts on “World Peace & Harmony

  1. This morning I saw that my neighbour has lovebirds. Do you have them in Malaysia? In Thailand I had a large aviary with trees inside and 17 lovebirds. I could leave the aviary door open but they would never fly away. They were really happy in there with plenty of food and safety.

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