Spread joy with bubbles (*´ ˘ `*).。oO

There’s an elderly man who comes to the park
occasionally after school.
He wears a white hat and next to him is a bag of
two bubble swords and a big bottle of bubble soap.
The kids from the school opposite the park love him.
Let’s call him, Mr Bubbles.
Mr Bubbles would wave the sword in the air
like a wand to create big bubbles for the kids.
Big bubbles, big pretty bubbles in the air
There’s something so inherently innocent
about blowing bubbles.
Well, in this case, it’s waving bubbles.
A beautiful reminder that childhood lasts all through life.
It’s  fun just watching the bubbles float in the air and
see the kids jumping with joy and the smiles on their faces.
What an awesome way to spread some joy, Mr Bubbles.

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Meowy Christmas, everyone!

My Christmas purrrayer…
Dear Lord,
Please send sunshine and smiles to all those grumpy faces;

cat smiling

May those who feel cold, weak or lonely find strength and comfort;

cat with snowman.jpg

And may we stay united, be at peace and love one another!

cats united



Voice In The Mist
The time draws near the birth of Christ:
The moon is hid; the night is still;
The Christmas bells from hill to hill
Answer each other in the mist.
Four voices of four hamlets round,
From far and near, on mead and moor,
Swell out and fail, as if a door
Were shut between me and the sound:
Each voice four changes on the wind,
That now dilate, and now decrease,
Peace and goodwill, goodwill and peace,
Peace and goodwill, to all mankind.
– Alfred, Lord Tennyson

